We Got A Website!

Dec 06, 2023

It's been three years since the launching of the MOVE: Spirit & Rhythm Dance Program, and within that time, we've connected with people from all over the Bay Area. People from various cultural backgrounds and experiences have joined in and celebrated learning how to move. Our unique class offerings feature dance traditions within the African Diaspora and the Hawaiian Islands. We also offer our new class, Dynamic Mobility, to improve range of motion, flexibility, and overall mobility. The entirety of our dance program is based on wellness principles because your well-being is of utmost importance to us. We create a safe and supportive environment where you are free to ask questions, share feedback, and make mistakes - which just means that you're learning! Classes are all about growth together and having fun!

When you visit our website, you'll be greeted with a captivating background video that helps you connect with the type of dance classes we teach. You'll also see how user-friendly the site is, making it easier for you to book classes and learn more about MOVE.

Creating this website took three years but was well worth the wait. We have cultivated a vibrant dance community here and aspire to be a source of inspiration by integrating wellness principles into the art of dance in order to foster a better world filled with kindness.

Join our community today and become part of the MOVEment.

Shereel Washington
Curator/Lead Instructor at MOVE: Spirit & Rhythm

The Call To Dance Is For Everyone

Learn More About Move

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